Author: selhpdy

Magical Mornings – How to Get More Done Before Breakfast


There is something special about waking up early each day.

It is a secret sauce for getting a heck of a lot more done in life.

Almost 3 weeks ago I decided to change my daily schedule by waking up at 4am each day.

4am you say?!

You bet!

Let me tell you how to do it shortly.

But first, let me quickly tell you why I have chosen to do this.

Why wake up so early?

There are literally zero distractions. Your willpower is at its highest. You can focus 100 percent on whatever your biggest goal in life is.

Think about this:

If you were to wake up at 4am each day and get in 3 hours of deep, focused, work before most people wake up at around 7am, that totals 21 hours of work a week, 82 hours of work a month, and over 1,000 hours of work for the year.

1,000 hours of focused, deep work a year is equal to 125x 8hour working days… but these are not your typical 8hr working days with interruptions, meetings, and breaks. These are 8 hours of FOCUSED, DEEP WORK on your most important goals.

Taking it a step further, 125x 8 hr working days is equal to working full-time, in a deep and focused state on your most important goals for 25 weeks of the year! That is just shy of 6 months.

It is crazy how these numbers stack up.

And all it takes it simply waking up earlier and getting focused on what matters most and being consistent with it.

Does it really work?

Most definitely!

In the last three weeks I have:

  • Completely updated my Change Your Life program.
  • Ran a Flash Sale for you guys.
  • Overhauled my website – new theme, new homepage, mostly a lot of backend and design elements that will make things simpler moving forward (check it out if interested and tell me what you think).
  • Created a side hustle which I have been hustling on for the last couple of weeks (unfortunately it is not going as well as I had planned… I rapidly launched this to test the idea and so far, it is a slow start).
  • Created two other multi-page websites (fully designed and complete) as part of the new side hustle.
  • Got more exercise in… being able to go for a walk or a bicycle ride at 5am while the sun is rising is incredibly special… there is something about it that is magical.
  • Read 3 books… although this one is because I have changed my night-time routine (to help me start effectively with my morning).

Just writing the above makes me feel in awe of this process. It is simply amazing the output that can be created when this time stacks up each day.

But it is not as simple as it sounds… mostly because I have three young children between the ages of 1 and 5. So, as any parent would understand, trying to stick to a schedule is incredibly hard!

The mornings are the easy part because everyone is sleeping. The hardest part is getting to sleep on time.

I need at LEAST 8 hours of sleep each night to perform at my best. So, to wake up at 4am means getting to bed no later than 8pm. But even then, it is impossible to get a full 8 hours of sleep in because my kids are always waking up each night. I have not had a full-night’s sleep for 5 years now, except for the odd occasion when I am away for business travel. Any parents with young children reading this know exactly what I am talking about!

Here is the reality.

I have only actually woken up at 4am twice during this time (well, one time I got up at 3:57am which was ever better).

To get an 8 hour sleep I really need “bed time” of 8.5 hours, and preferably 9 hours.

Getting to bed at 8pm is tricky. My kids are often still mucking around until 8pm, or sometimes even 8:30pm!

And then there is that time I used to spend with my wife – after the kids are sleep and before our own sleep. This was our quality time together. Going to bed at 8pm took this way.

As a result, I have been tweaking my strategy over the past few weeks and my typical day now looks like:

  • Bed-time between 8:30pm and 9pm
  • Awake at 5:30am.

So, my goal of 4am has only been achieved twice. But that’s ok, because every other day over the past 3 weeks I have been up by 6am at the very latest.

This has given me at least one hour every day, and probably about 1 hour and 45minutes on average over the past 3 weeks to really focus deeply on these goals.

Even just 1 hour of deep, focused, work a day, will tally up to 45 rock solid 8 hr days with no breaks, which tallies 2 and a half months of full-time work a year. And again, this is time purely on deep, focused, work. Incredible!

How do you do it?

I found it quite simple.

You simply set a strict rule for yourself in terms of your bedtime and wake up time.

Make sure you push all your bed-time rituals forward to meet your deadline. ie, stop drinking caffeine earlier in the day, stop all your screen time earlier than usual, eat earlier if need be, and so forth.

The main thing is to really internalise the benefits of doing this. The primary benefit being that you will get undistracted, highly focused work done on your most important goals in life. Whether that is working on a big project at work, perhaps it is doing your side hustle, or perhaps it is writing your book, or perhaps it is getting your daily exercise in.

Whatever it is, you need to internalise the benefit of doing this and achieving it.

The other thing is to plan the night before what you will do in the morning.

You do not want to wake up, hit your desk, and then use your willpower and waste time trying to figure out what you are going to do.

Instead, have it planned… know exactly what you are going to do.

Perhaps its that you will write 1,000 words of your book, or that you are going to go for a bicycle ride through the park, or that you are going to research a certain topic.

Having it planned means that within five minutes of waking up, you are focused and doing productive work.

My first 3 weeks have been amazing.

The challenge for me now is to keep this up. I have no intention of stopping this.

I challenge you to experience the magic of the mornings.

This is the time you can really change your life, by working at it every single day.

When you win your mornings, you win the day.

Are you with me?


The post Magical Mornings – How to Get More Done Before Breakfast appeared first on The Start of Happiness.

Self-Love Healing: 7 Signs that Your Inner Child Needs Help


How to recognise that you need self-love healing to address the needs of your inner child?

Or if your current struggles are connected to a wounded inner child?

According to psychologists, every adult has an inner child.

Your wounded inner child is that part of you that never grew up, even though you are now an adult. She may be your younger self as a newborn or a 6 year old. If she is wounded, it means that she has been holding on to hurt, disappointment, pain or any negative emotions, and her needs have not been met.

If the needs of your inner child remain unresolved, it can potentially affect your mental well-being and relationships. Thus, inner child healing is a crucial part to deep psychological work. It involves the spiritual process of reconnecting to the wounded elements of your inner child.

Here are 7 indicative signs that you need self-love healing which involves “meeting” your inner child…

1. Fear of Abandonment. You have deep fears about being abandoned.  Thus, it could cause you to be clingy. Even though your relationships may be toxic, you’d give plenty of excuses to stay on.

2. Tendency to Overreact. You tend to react rather than respond, and your reactions tend to be out of proportion to the trigger. An example is getting into rage when someone cuts queue. When you don’t feel in control of your reactions to a situation, it’s your inner child acting up.

3. Boundary Issues. You have a hard time saying “no” to requests. In order to please others, you may choose to sacrifice your own needs. Others take advantage of you when you have poor boundaries set up.

4. Low self-confidence. You constantly criticise yourself and you often feel inadequate or “not good enough”. At a deep level, you believe that there is something wrong with you.

5. Perfectionistic tendencies. You shame yourself when you can’t meet your standards or expectations. Self-forgiveness is very hard for you. 

6. Deep anxiety. You can’t handle stress and often experience deep anxiety. On the extreme, you may even suffer from panic attacks. Read case study here. With deep anxiety, it could be that you have the fear that things will turn out horribly for you and so you find it hard to trust. It affects your ability to commit. You may have the fear of being betrayed as well.

7. Feel like a “nobody” and lack of significance. You feel that you are not being seen or heard. Health issues like eczema can also manifest. Also, you may believe that you don’t have a place here on Earth, and have existential issues.

With issues such as above, the consequences can be dire. You can potentially find it hard to function well, struggle at work or in your business, have health issues, suffer from chronic depression etc….life can appear to be one of suffering.

Heal Your Wounded Inner Child Thich Nhat Hanh

The Truth with Trauma

The truth is: many of us have traumas – whether they are big or small – from our past that need addressing.

It’s obvious when it comes to the big traumas (Ts) in life. For example, when an abuse or the death of a caregiver happens, and you have not had a chance to deal with the traumatic experience. Thus, you have an inner child who is needing some help.

But it could also be a series of small traumas (“t”s). So, maybe your parents didn’t exactly physically abandon you. Instead, any one of the situations could have happened…
– Your parents were too busy and you felt neglected as a child
– You did not get the bonding that you needed with your mum as a newborn
– You had to take on adult responsibilities even though you were still a kid
– Your caregivers constantly put you down
– Your parents never quite validated or guided you in the past.

As a result of any of these, you could have made certain negative conclusions and limiting beliefs about yourself or about the world. Holding on to a belief of “I’m not lovable” or “I am not enough” can affect you in your adult life. When you reconnect with your wounded inner child, you are able to access the fragmented parts of yourself so that you can collapse the patterns behind your phobias, underlying fears, insecurities, and self-sabotaging inclinations.

A reconnection with my inner child is essentially self-love healing. As a result of inner child or self-love healing, clients have also reported reduced anxiety, increased confidence, money breakthroughs, and a lot more ease with achieving their goals. It’s evident that if more of us can do some inner child or self-love healing, the world will be a much better place.

How to Address The Wounds of Your Inner Child with Self-Love Healing

Inner child or self-love healing can be achieved by the following 3 important steps: 
1. Reconnecting with her by acknowledging her presence and embracing her with love
2. Releasing the disruptive negative emotions held by your inner child 
3. Rewriting with a new set of beliefs that support well-being.  

You can choose to write a letter to your inner child too.

What If You Need More Help with  Inner Child or Self-Love Healing

It can be that you find it difficult to reach out to your inner child. Or, you don’t really have a good sense that you are able to help her on your own. Or, you may be fearful about any unknown that can potentially arise from going back to the past. 

Whatever it is, if you have experienced a big traumatic experience in the past, it could be that you need more assistance. In this case, I recommend that you seek a trained psychologist or medical expert for help. 

However, if your issue is likely the result of small traumatic experiences (or ts), do reach out to me.

The difference in my approach: I use a combination of methodologies via EFT, energy psychology, Matrix Reimprinting and Neuro-linguistic Programming for self-love healing. Read this article on why a body-based approach is recommended over many other therapies. We work on resolving the root cause of your issues at the subconscious level, somatically and also energetically.

Give your inner child the permission to heal with self-love. 

Shine in self-love always,
Evelyn Lim
Self-Love Online Healing Specialist

Related articles: 

1. Case study: Repair Birth Trauma

2. Case study: How Rose Addressed Feeling Unwanted in Her Mother’s Womb

3. Case study: Breaking Free of High Anxiety

Spread the Message of Self-Love
If you have resonated with this message on self-love, do share this post with your friends and family on social media. Much love to you!

The post Self-Love Healing: 7 Signs that Your Inner Child Needs Help appeared first on Abundance Coach for Women in Business | Evelyn Lim.

This Is How You Get More Search Engine Traffic For Your Website


This Is How You Get More Search Engine Traffic For Your Website

The post This Is How You Get More Search Engine Traffic For Your Website appeared first on NotSalmon.

If you want to  grow your business then you need to know how to get more search engine traffic for your website. Read on for some helpful SEO tools. Search engines are still the number one way in which people […]

The post This Is How You Get More Search Engine Traffic For Your Website appeared first on NotSalmon.

Essential Guide to Farxiga Coupon and its Use for Patients


Farxiga, named scientifically as dapagliflozin, serves in treating type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. It can also reduce the blood sugar level. There are recently no universal options for Farxiga. You can buy farxiga coupon and save money on prescriptions to reduce the cost of buying this medicine. These coupons are quite helpful for the…

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The post Essential Guide to Farxiga Coupon and its Use for Patients first appeared on Self Help Daily.

Magical Mornings – How to Get More Done Before Breakfast


There is something special about waking up early each day.

It is a secret sauce for getting a heck of a lot more done in life.

Almost 3 weeks ago I decided to change my daily schedule by waking up at 4am each day.

4am you say?!

You bet!

Let me tell you how to do it shortly.

But first, let me quickly tell you why I have chosen to do this.

Why wake up so early?

There are literally zero distractions. Your willpower is at its highest. You can focus 100 percent on whatever your biggest goal in life is.

Think about this:

If you were to wake up at 4am each day and get in 3 hours of deep, focused, work before most people wake up at around 7am, that totals 21 hours of work a week, 82 hours of work a month, and over 1,000 hours of work for the year.

1,000 hours of focused, deep work a year is equal to 125x 8hour working days… but these are not your typical 8hr working days with interruptions, meetings, and breaks. These are 8 hours of FOCUSED, DEEP WORK on your most important goals.

Taking it a step further, 125x 8 hr working days is equal to working full-time, in a deep and focused state on your most important goals for 25 weeks of the year! That is just shy of 6 months.

It is crazy how these numbers stack up.

And all it takes it simply waking up earlier and getting focused on what matters most and being consistent with it.

Does it really work?

Most definitely!

In the last three weeks I have:

  • Completely updated my Change Your Life program.
  • Ran a Flash Sale for you guys.
  • Overhauled my website – new theme, new homepage, mostly a lot of backend and design elements that will make things simpler moving forward (check it out if interested and tell me what you think).
  • Created a side hustle which I have been hustling on for the last couple of weeks (unfortunately it is not going as well as I had planned… I rapidly launched this to test the idea and so far, it is a slow start).
  • Created two other multi-page websites (fully designed and complete) as part of the new side hustle.
  • Got more exercise in… being able to go for a walk or a bicycle ride at 5am while the sun is rising is incredibly special… there is something about it that is magical.
  • Read 3 books… although this one is because I have changed my night-time routine (to help me start effectively with my morning).

Just writing the above makes me feel in awe of this process. It is simply amazing the output that can be created when this time stacks up each day.

But it is not as simple as it sounds… mostly because I have three young children between the ages of 1 and 5. So, as any parent would understand, trying to stick to a schedule is incredibly hard!

The mornings are the easy part because everyone is sleeping. The hardest part is getting to sleep on time.

I need at LEAST 8 hours of sleep each night to perform at my best. So, to wake up at 4am means getting to bed no later than 8pm. But even then, it is impossible to get a full 8 hours of sleep in because my kids are always waking up each night. I have not had a full-night’s sleep for 5 years now, except for the odd occasion when I am away for business travel. Any parents with young children reading this know exactly what I am talking about!

Here is the reality.

I have only actually woken up at 4am twice during this time (well, one time I got up at 3:57am which was ever better).

To get an 8 hour sleep I really need “bed time” of 8.5 hours, and preferably 9 hours.

Getting to bed at 8pm is tricky. My kids are often still mucking around until 8pm, or sometimes even 8:30pm!

And then there is that time I used to spend with my wife – after the kids are sleep and before our own sleep. This was our quality time together. Going to bed at 8pm took this way.

As a result, I have been tweaking my strategy over the past few weeks and my typical day now looks like:

  • Bed-time between 8:30pm and 9pm
  • Awake at 5:30am.

So, my goal of 4am has only been achieved twice. But that’s ok, because every other day over the past 3 weeks I have been up by 6am at the very latest.

This has given me at least one hour every day, and probably about 1 hour and 45minutes on average over the past 3 weeks to really focus deeply on these goals.

Even just 1 hour of deep, focused, work a day, will tally up to 45 rock solid 8 hr days with no breaks, which tallies 2 and a half months of full-time work a year. And again, this is time purely on deep, focused, work. Incredible!

How do you do it?

I found it quite simple.

You simply set a strict rule for yourself in terms of your bedtime and wake up time.

Make sure you push all your bed-time rituals forward to meet your deadline. ie, stop drinking caffeine earlier in the day, stop all your screen time earlier than usual, eat earlier if need be, and so forth.

The main thing is to really internalise the benefits of doing this. The primary benefit being that you will get undistracted, highly focused work done on your most important goals in life. Whether that is working on a big project at work, perhaps it is doing your side hustle, or perhaps it is writing your book, or perhaps it is getting your daily exercise in.

Whatever it is, you need to internalise the benefit of doing this and achieving it.

The other thing is to plan the night before what you will do in the morning.

You do not want to wake up, hit your desk, and then use your willpower and waste time trying to figure out what you are going to do.

Instead, have it planned… know exactly what you are going to do.

Perhaps its that you will write 1,000 words of your book, or that you are going to go for a bicycle ride through the park, or that you are going to research a certain topic.

Having it planned means that within five minutes of waking up, you are focused and doing productive work.

My first 3 weeks have been amazing.

The challenge for me now is to keep this up. I have no intention of stopping this.

I challenge you to experience the magic of the mornings.

This is the time you can really change your life, by working at it every single day.

When you win your mornings, you win the day.

Are you with me?


The post Magical Mornings – How to Get More Done Before Breakfast appeared first on The Start of Happiness.

Self-Love Healing: 7 Signs that Your Inner Child Needs Help


How to recognise that you need self-love healing to address the needs of your inner child?

Or if your current struggles are connected to a wounded inner child?

According to psychologists, every adult has an inner child.

Your wounded inner child is that part of you that never grew up, even though you are now an adult. She may be your younger self as a newborn or a 6 year old. If she is wounded, it means that she has been holding on to hurt, disappointment, pain or any negative emotions, and her needs have not been met.

If the needs of your inner child remain unresolved, it can potentially affect your mental well-being and relationships. Thus, inner child healing is a crucial part to deep psychological work. It involves the spiritual process of reconnecting to the wounded elements of your inner child.

Here are 7 indicative signs that you need self-love healing which involves “meeting” your inner child…

1. Fear of Abandonment. You have deep fears about being abandoned.  Thus, it could cause you to be clingy. Even though your relationships may be toxic, you’d give plenty of excuses to stay on.

2. Tendency to Overreact. You tend to react rather than respond, and your reactions tend to be out of proportion to the trigger. An example is getting into rage when someone cuts queue. When you don’t feel in control of your reactions to a situation, it’s your inner child acting up.

3. Boundary Issues. You have a hard time saying “no” to requests. In order to please others, you may choose to sacrifice your own needs. Others take advantage of you when you have poor boundaries set up.

4. Low self-confidence. You constantly criticise yourself and you often feel inadequate or “not good enough”. At a deep level, you believe that there is something wrong with you.

5. Perfectionistic tendencies. You shame yourself when you can’t meet your standards or expectations. Self-forgiveness is very hard for you. 

6. Deep anxiety. You can’t handle stress and often experience deep anxiety. On the extreme, you may even suffer from panic attacks. Read case study here. With deep anxiety, it could be that you have the fear that things will turn out horribly for you and so you find it hard to trust. It affects your ability to commit. You may have the fear of being betrayed as well.

7. Feel like a “nobody” and lack of significance. You feel that you are not being seen or heard. Health issues like eczema can also manifest. Also, you may believe that you don’t have a place here on Earth, and have existential issues.

With issues such as above, the consequences can be dire. You can potentially find it hard to function well, struggle at work or in your business, have health issues, suffer from chronic depression etc….life can appear to be one of suffering.

Heal Your Wounded Inner Child Thich Nhat Hanh

The Truth with Trauma

The truth is: many of us have traumas – whether they are big or small – from our past that need addressing.

It’s obvious when it comes to the big traumas (Ts) in life. For example, when an abuse or the death of a caregiver happens, and you have not had a chance to deal with the traumatic experience. Thus, you have an inner child who is needing some help.

But it could also be a series of small traumas (“t”s). So, maybe your parents didn’t exactly physically abandon you. Instead, any one of the situations could have happened…
– Your parents were too busy and you felt neglected as a child
– You did not get the bonding that you needed with your mum as a newborn
– You had to take on adult responsibilities even though you were still a kid
– Your caregivers constantly put you down
– Your parents never quite validated or guided you in the past.

As a result of any of these, you could have made certain negative conclusions and limiting beliefs about yourself or about the world. Holding on to a belief of “I’m not lovable” or “I am not enough” can affect you in your adult life. When you reconnect with your wounded inner child, you are able to access the fragmented parts of yourself so that you can collapse the patterns behind your phobias, underlying fears, insecurities, and self-sabotaging inclinations.

A reconnection with my inner child is essentially self-love healing. As a result of inner child or self-love healing, clients have also reported reduced anxiety, increased confidence, money breakthroughs, and a lot more ease with achieving their goals. It’s evident that if more of us can do some inner child or self-love healing, the world will be a much better place.

How to Address The Wounds of Your Inner Child with Self-Love Healing

Inner child or self-love healing can be achieved by the following 3 important steps: 
1. Reconnecting with her by acknowledging her presence and embracing her with love
2. Releasing the disruptive negative emotions held by your inner child 
3. Rewriting with a new set of beliefs that support well-being.  

You can choose to write a letter to your inner child too.

What If You Need More Help with  Inner Child or Self-Love Healing

It can be that you find it difficult to reach out to your inner child. Or, you don’t really have a good sense that you are able to help her on your own. Or, you may be fearful about any unknown that can potentially arise from going back to the past. 

Whatever it is, if you have experienced a big traumatic experience in the past, it could be that you need more assistance. In this case, I recommend that you seek a trained psychologist or medical expert for help. 

However, if your issue is likely the result of small traumatic experiences (or ts), do reach out to me.

The difference in my approach: I use a combination of methodologies via EFT, energy psychology, Matrix Reimprinting and Neuro-linguistic Programming for self-love healing. Read this article on why a body-based approach is recommended over many other therapies. We work on resolving the root cause of your issues at the subconscious level, somatically and also energetically.

Give your inner child the permission to heal with self-love. 

Shine in self-love always,
Evelyn Lim
Self-Love Online Healing Specialist

Related articles: 

1. Case study: Repair Birth Trauma

2. Case study: How Rose Addressed Feeling Unwanted in Her Mother’s Womb

3. Case study: Breaking Free of High Anxiety

Spread the Message of Self-Love
If you have resonated with this message on self-love, do share this post with your friends and family on social media. Much love to you!

The post Self-Love Healing: 7 Signs that Your Inner Child Needs Help appeared first on Abundance Coach for Women in Business | Evelyn Lim.

Essential Guide to Farxiga Coupon and its Use for Patients


Farxiga, named scientifically as dapagliflozin, serves in treating type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. It can also reduce the blood sugar level. There are recently no universal options for Farxiga. You can buy farxiga coupon and save money on prescriptions to reduce the cost of buying this medicine. These coupons are quite helpful for the…

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The post Essential Guide to Farxiga Coupon and its Use for Patients first appeared on Self Help Daily.