How to Find Peace and Happiness After a Divorce – 3 Steps to Rediscovering Joy


Note from M2bH: No one enters a marriage expecting it to fall apart. No one wants a marriage to fail—at least not at the beginning. There are steps that can be taken to help heal wounds and resolve issues and return love to the marital relationship. We encourage you to take those steps.

But some marriages are entered into inadvisably. Sometimes people change and love withers and abusive language and behavior replaces the thoughtful attention that defined the relationship in its happier years.

What then?

There are often feelings of shame and embarrassment, regret and disappointment, loneliness and a sense of failure that follow a divorce. But unhappiness is not your destined lot in life for having severed a marital relationship. Happiness can return. It can be rebuilt and rediscovered.

For those of you who have gone through a divorce and still struggle to find your way back to joy, today’s post is a guest write-up from Jade Gallagher meant to offer a way back to happiness.



There is no need to feel like your life has reached a dead end just because your marriage is over. You need to take the positive view that you can and will find life after divorce.

If you can develop some good survival strategies to get you through the initial pain of separation, this will definitely help to set you on the path to finding happiness again.

Let’s look at how to get through your divorce in the best way possible. How do you approach this situation in a positive way? Why is it important to create a reliable support network? There are also some tips on how to re-launch a better version of your old self.

Don’t subscribe to the stereotype

Getting divorced can be a traumatic and confrontational experience, but it is fair to say that not all divorcees hate each other after they have officially ended their marital relationship.

There are many different reasons why people get divorced. Specialists can help people sort through unique divorce issues. From fighting couples who have fallen out of love and friendship to those whose marriages have become verbally or physically violent.

Divorcing in a loving and compassionate way is not always possible. However, it is useful to attempt to find an amicable solution where possible. It will make it easier to recover from your divorce and get your life back on track as quickly as possible.

Reach out to others

If there was a simple strategy to help you cope with the feelings of pain and loss that you can experience with divorce, we would all be doing it, but there is rarely a magic solution to such a complex relationship problem.

One of the most important aspects of going through a divorce is being able to rely on a good support network of family and friends who will help you get through this difficult period in your life.

It is often not about the quantity of friends and family you can lean on that counts, as the quality matters more. Even if you only have one really good friend who offers a strong shoulder to cry on when you need it, this can be more valuable than a whole group of friends who offer some support but don’t always know what to say to you.

You should be prepared for some old friends to go missing when you get divorced as this can, and does, happen. Focus your efforts on finding the right people to reach out to, so that you get a great support network that you can truly rely on.

A new you

We all change in subtle ways over the years and if you had been married for a long while, you are almost certainly not the same person who fell in love all those years ago.

Getting divorced means you go through quite a life-altering change from being one-half of a couple to becoming a single person again. This can cause an identity crises that is difficult to adjust to.

Work on finding a way to redefine yourself and become the person you want to be now that you are on your own and, frankly speaking, have more personal freedom to explore new options.

Psychologists suggest that exploring previously untapped hobbies and interests is a good strategy for removing any feelings of grief after divorce.

You should find that a period of self-exploration can be very liberating and exciting. Taking up new hobbies and interests is a great way to combat any feelings of isolation that you might be experiencing.

Take a positive approach to your current situation and your future prospects and there is every chance that you can find happiness again after your divorce.

Jade Gallagher went through a messy divorce 18 months ago but is now stronger, and happier than ever before. She supports other women going through divorce (as well as the occasional guy) online through social media sites and her writing. For professional support check out DivorceGuru who help people in California.

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The post How to Find Peace and Happiness After a Divorce – 3 Steps to Rediscovering Joy first appeared on Meant to be Happy.

57 Of The Best Quotes About Living In The Moment


You’ve heard about “living in the moment,” and it sounds great. You’re ready to give it a go. But it would be great to have someone there to guide you along. And if no one can be there with you in the flesh, it would help to read the words of those who’ve learned how …

Read More57 Of The Best Quotes About Living In The Moment

The post 57 Of The Best Quotes About Living In The Moment appeared first on Live Bold and Bloom.

How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online


Struggling with the fear of being visible online? 

If you run a coaching, energy healing or solopreneur business, you cannot neglect or ignore being visible online. 

And if you are an introvert and have the tendency to hide, this post is meant specially for you!

Specifically, the fear of being visible can be about

  • the fear of being seen online,
  • the fear of feeling exposed,
  • feeling vulnerable,
  • imposter syndrome or feeling like a “fraud”,
  • fear of success,
  • fear of being ridiculed in public,
  • fear of not being accepted for your views, 
    and so on.

If you have the fear of being visible online, it can impact you on the business front in the following ways….

  • can’t show up on videos,
  • can’t confidently market your products and services,
  • can’t network and build a group of business associates and friends online,
  • avoid giving interviews,
  • stops you from achieving better success in your marketing activities,
  • can’t conduct online classes or webinar trainings,
  • can’t ask to be paid for your services,
  • set low prices for your products and services etc.

Overall, the fear of being visible online stops you from being more successful in your business. This has an impact on your bottom line! 

Here’s a fact that you can’t run away from:

If you want 24/7 consistent free traffic and for your marketing activities to be effective, you will need to do video marketing.

Which just means that you need to be visible online.

Why You Need to Do Video Marketing

Showing up on video allows you to create and share valuable content with your audience in a way that plain text will never match.

Here are some stats that you need to be aware of….

 Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online - Video Marketing Stats

Get the picture after having an idea about what being visible can do for you?

If you don’t do video marketing, you are at a severe disadvantage.

Indeed, people buy based on emotional connection.

By showing up on video, you are better able to create trust and connection with your audience. Video marketing simply helps you create visibility that will assist you with generating leads and gaining clients.

My Story of the Fear of Being Visible Online

As an introvert, I used to struggle with showing my face online. I felt self-conscious and vulnerable, as if everyone will get to finally see the real me and not like what they see. And so, I used being “an introvert” and that it is not my personality, as the perfect excuse for not showing up. 

I recall the times when I almost threw up, felt faint and going through severe nervous tension just at the thought of needing to be visible. It was that bad for me. I was totally resistant to being visible online!

Later, I discovered that my excuses were not helping me to reach out to more people. In fact, I found out that becoming visible was more a matter of boosting confidence than anything else. It’s still possible to be an introvert and show up on videos, in other words! Fast forward till today, I have been able to show up with more ease and confidence! 

3 Tips on How You Can Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online

If you are held back from achieving your goals by your fear of being visible, I’d like to share with you 3 tips that you can apply…

(1) Start small by being visible online to a small audience.

You can change your settings on your FB profile, youtube or instagram to just private or a small group of friends. Or you can also set up a small facebook group and post your videos there. Alternatively, you can find facebook groups where you can feel safe to create posts. Gradually work up your confidence to showing up and being more visible online!

(2) Repeat some positive affirmations.

Give yourself a positive boost with using affirmations that are going to support you. For example, you can use the following…
– I am open to being seen and heard online.
– I am a powerful communicator.
– I choose to feel safe to be visible online.

(3) Boost Your Confidence.

Let’s face it. Without confidence, it is going to hamper your ability to be more productive and effective in your social media activities. Hence, you need to start with working on yourself. It’s about transforming from the inside-out.

Very importantly, you don’t just want confidence to be based on external factors but I recommend that you want to build Authentic Confidence, showing up as your true self, without any false pretences. Authentic Confidence boosts your ability to generate Cash Flow!

Take Action Right Away with Beating The Fear of Being Visible Online

My course, Authentic Confidence Mastery, is designed to help you create self awareness, align with what you want and to release your fears that are in the way.

It is an invitation to give yourself the permission to shine!

Gain access and start to boost your confidence here>>>

See you on the inside,

Mindset, Marketing & Manifesting Abundance Coach

The post How to Beat the Fear of Being Visible Online appeared first on Abundance Coach for Women in Business | Evelyn Lim.

5 Pieces of Advice to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon and Clinic


By Debbie  The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that 25 min procedures are carried annually. It means that about 70,000 people improve their appearance every day! All of them want to receive a good result and impress everyone with a new look. However, not everyone will boast of the perfect outcome — the…

Read More »

The post 5 Pieces of Advice to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon and Clinic first appeared on Self Help Daily.

Top 100 Personal Development Blogs


Best Self-Help Websites

The official Top 100 Personal Development Blogs is back!

Damn, I love this time of year. It’s all about setting your year up for massive success and what better way of doing that then presenting you with the best personal development blogs for the year. In fact, we bring you the Top 100!

This is the fifth year that we have compiled the Top 100 personal development blogs and every year we see more and more blogs adding great value to people all around the world.

I must say, because of all the awesome value that everyone is putting out there on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for personal development bloggers to make this list. So if you have made the list of the Top 100 personal development blogs this year then I, and everyone else, give you HUGE congratulations!

Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to regain focus on what you truly want in life and ensure you have the strategies and support you need to be successful at it too. The turn of the New Year gives us a clear time to separate the past and move forward into the future.

That’s why I love this time of year. It’s the perfect time for creating new habits, setting your goals and making real change in your life.

Being a student of the personal development industry most of my life, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest resources to not only implement into my own life but to also share with those around me. Since I’ve been running my own business I’ve fallen more and more into the well of personal development and self-improvement and I absolutely love it! With the internet now a common place for everyone and the ‘free economy’ being born, it’s amazing to know that what was once hidden from the majority of people and limited to a select few people paying $5,000 to access information at a weekend seminar, this information is now mostly widely available for free on the internet or at least at a much more affordable price.

The key to all this information is being able to pull what’s relevant for you and being able to apply that information in a systematic and successful way that will lead you towards your desired life.

The Best Personal Development Blogs

I feel honoured to know that over the last few years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the blog owners in this list and share some great experiences with them. But not only that, there are so many of you making an impact in this world through your personal development blogs I can certainly say that after sifting through each and every self-improvement blog, I’m highly impressed with everyone’s work!

It is somewhat tricky putting together a list of the Top 100 personal development blogs as it can be rather subjective in nature. To avoid this, I’ve removed any of my own opinions or judgements and let pure metrics do the talking.

As with previous years, what I have created is a list of personal development blogs that rank from the most trafficked (largest number of visitors) down to the least trafficked. This list will provide you with a clear indication of how large a website is and its relative importance in the personal development blogosphere. Keep in mind, even though the blogs towards the bottom are the ‘least trafficked’, they are still within the Top 100 out of hundreds and thousands of personal development blogs out there on the internet (if not more!).

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that a larger site (a site ranked towards the top) does not necessarily indicate that the site is of better quality. Generally speaking, you will find that the larger sites have been around for longer and have more blog posts and content being crawled by Google. Because of this, they are sure to have larger audiences. In saying that, however, the top sites have lasted the test of time and continue to have strong readership so they must be doing something right!

Also, we do have a number of new blogs now ranking in the Top 100 that only started a year or two ago… massive congrats to these high achievers!

One thing to add, it always makes me smile when I see other people creating Top Personal Development Blog lists… because they’re almost an exact copy of this list! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? This is the fifth year our official list has been compiled and we continue to make it more comprehensive each year.

[sociallocker id=”5127″] [/sociallocker]

How to Use This List

This is YOUR LIST.

This is a resource that I encourage you to save and come back to on a regular basis. As we progress throughout the year we all face different challenges and often those challenges have already been faced by others elsewhere in the world. That’s when I suggest you return to this list and find the right blog to guide you.

Each personal development blog is unique and has its own style and purpose. You will also find that you will resonate strongly with some blog owners and their content and perhaps less so with others. For this reason, there is a wide variety of blogs on the list; including business, career and work, happiness, health, productivity and more. The one thing in common is that they all are themed around self-improvement.

My recommendation to you is to browse through each of the blogs below at least once and then pick out the two or three blogs that really resonate with you.

Think about the below questions as you sift through each blog:

  • Which blogs are most closely aligned to what you want to achieve in life?
  • Which author has accomplished something that you would like to accomplish?
  • Which blogs can help you right now in life and which ones might help you in the future?

Be sure to subscribe to their content and make personal development a key focus for you this year. It’s like having a free mentor or coach.

How The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are Ranked

The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are ranked in order from the most-trafficked (largest number of visitors) to the least-trafficked (although the smallest in this case is still a Top 100 Blog!)

There are two primary tools that have been used for determining this ranking.

Firstly, I have used the Alexa rank of the website as the primary ranking method. Alexa provides a relative ranking of each website based on the number of visitors it receives. A rank of 100,000 would mean that the site is the 100,000th most visited site on the internet. With the millions and millions of websites on the internet, such a ranking is classified as pretty good! Just so you know, Google’s rank is #1, Facebook is ranked #2 and YouTube is ranked #3.

Secondly, I have included Similar Web Rank. Similar Web is another online tool that was mentioned to me on a number of occasions as a more accurate tool for determining website traffic. Interestingly, I found that when compiling this list, the Alexa and Similar Web rankings were almost perfectly correlated.

This then led to the Average Rank. The Average Ranks is simply the average between the Alexa and Similar Web ranks.

People often question the validity of such tools, however, when comparing more generally the relative size of a website they are quite accurate and very useful indicators. Other tools might indicate that a lower-ranked blog in our Top 100 is infact larger than a higher-ranked blog, but generally speaking, the Top 10 websites will always be larger than those ranked 10-20, and those ranked 10-20 will always be larger than those ranked 20-30 etc. To sum it up, the larger and more trafficked sites will always tend to be ranked higher regardless of the tool being used.

Do you want to get really funky with the Top 100 blogs? I’m pleased to let you know that the Top 100 table is dynamic. This means that you can search for your favourite blog to see where it is ranked and sort by any column, such as page rank or alphabetical order. This is your list. Have fun with it!

The Winners

CONGRATULATIONS to every blogger that has made this Top 100 list! I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world.

[sociallocker id=”5127″] [/sociallocker]

 URLOwner’s NameAverage Rank
1Life HackLeon Ho2,711
2Elite DailyGerard Adams5,537
3GreatistDerek Flanzraich7,533
4The Art of ManlinessBrett McKay8,411
5Mind Body GreenJason Wachob9,139
6Brain PickingsMaria Popova13,634
7Tiny BuddhaLori Deschene19,733
8Four Hour Work WeekTim Ferriss20,349
9Darren DailyDarren Hardy26,838
10Mark MansonMark Manson32,634
11ZenHabitsLeo Babauta32,716
12Nerd FitnessSteve Kamb33,222
13I Will Teach You to be RichRamit Sethi35,668
14Good Men ProjectLisa Hickey38,679
15James ClearJames Clear38,891
16Chris KresserChris Kresser44,785
17Brian TracyBrian Tracy46,741
18The Positivity BlogHenrik Edberg46,999
19Michael Hyatt’s Intentional LeadershipMichael Hyatt51,190
20Keep Inspiring MeDarcie Connell54,724
21Marc and Angel Hack LifeMarc and Angel57,256
22Addicted 2 SuccessJoel Brown62,653
23Barking Up the Wrong TreeEric Barker63,529
24Pick the BrainErin Falconer63,562
25PsyBlogJeremy Dean63,651
26Becoming MinimalistJoshua Becker66,388
27Personal ExcellenceCelestine Chua71,088
28Live Bold and BloomBarrie Davenport75,411
29Steve PavlinaSteve Pavlina76,832
30Dumb Little ManJay White81,129
31Marie ForleoMarie Forleo81,511
32Science of PeopleVanessa Van Edwards86,010
33Derek SiversDerek Sivers94,278
34Scott H YoungScott Young98,734
35Robin SharmaRobin Sharma105,027
36Bold & DeterminedVictor Pride109,823
37Steven AitchisonSteven Aitchison113,562
38ActualizedLeo Gura118,510
39No Meat AtheleteMatt Frazier120,725
40Project Life MasteryStefan Pylarinos123,111
41Daring to Live FullyMarelisa Fábrega127,960
42Success ConcioscunessRemez Sasson129,706
43Asian EfficiencyAaron Lynn and Thanh Pam144,968
44The Charged LifeBrendon Burchard148,010
45The Happiness ProjectGretchen Rubin149,010
46Planet of SuccessSteve Mueller149,186
47Penelope TrunkPenelope Trunk154,381
48Robb WolfRobb Wolf161,217
49Be More With LessCourtney Carver161,838
50Write to DoneMary Jaksch164,678
51Jack CranfieldJack Cranfield174,067
52Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday175,494
53Motivation GridCris Nikolov179,217
54Skip PrichardSkip Prichard182,262
55Everday PowerNA182,510
56Live Your LegendChelsea Dinsmore186,276
57Develop Good HabitsSJ Scott188,505
58Purpose FairyLuminita D. Saviuc193,698
59Brain BloggerShaheen Lakhan219,615
60Location RebelSean Ogle222,510
61The Change BlogPeter Clemens223,890
62A Life of ProductivityChris Bailey229,010
63Life OptimizerDonald Latumahina241,956
64chrisguillebeau.comChris Guillebeau246,361
65Prolific LivingFarnoosh Brock264,661
66Louise HayLouise Hay267,510
67RaptitudeDavid Cain270,452
68InspiyrDan Cassidy288,581
69ProductivityistMike Vardy292,566
70Time Management NinjaCraig Jarrow294,576
71Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra302,890
72FinerMindsAndrea Vega304,550
73Wake Up CloudHenri Junttila306,517
74The Urban MonkPedram Shojai 311,049
75Impossible HQJoel Runyon324,598
76Bullet Proof ExecDave Asprey333,105
77Start of HappinessBrendan Baker337,916
78Advanced Life SkillsJonathan Wells341,905
79Good Life ZenMary Jaksch344,124
80Paid to ExistJonathan Mead355,338
81Life Long LearnerScott Britton358,581
83Aha-Now!Harleena Singh360,949
84Dr Wayne DyerDr Wayne Dyer375,193
85Think Simple NowTina Su376,587
86The Emotion MachineSteven Handel396,302
87Productivity 501Mark Shead400,515
88Just Be RealTheo Ellis455,859
89Jonathan FieldsJonathan Fields456,994
90Yoga DorkJennilyn Carson489,965
91Sid SavaraSid Savara499,024
92Alden TanAlden Tan518,551
93Run to the FinishAmanda Brooks522,118
94Your Life Your WayTia Sparkles534,462
95Basic GrowthSimon Somlai544,038
96Start Gaining MomentumLudvig Sunstrom581,294
97Positive WriterBryan Hutchinson604,348
98The Bridge MakerAlex Blackwell628,018
99Thoughts on Life and LoveMandy Kloppers632,524
100Deliberate ReceivingMelody Fletcher703,681

[sociallocker id=”5127″] [/sociallocker]

Now What?

The tools, strategies and support you need to live your best year ever are all here waiting for you. Now, it’s in your power to start living out your most inspired and desired life.

Only you can make the difference in your life this year. I give you full permission to make this your best year ever and apply what you need to from these blogs into your life.

If you need some instant motivation and inspiration, then make sure you check out the Top 100 Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for 2017.

If you want to get some actionable tools that you can implement into your life right now, make sure you access our Free Toolkit.

If you’re keen to make the Top 100 for next year, you might be interested in registering for my course: First 1000 Subscribers (currently open for enrollment but closing shortly).

Over to You!

Do you have a favourite blog on the list?

Which blogs do you find you get the most value from?

What other personal development resources do you use to live a better life?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Here’s to making this year your best year yet!


P.S. Do you know of someone that would love to see this list? Please share this list using one of the buttons below. You’ll most likely make their day!

Related Posts

The post Top 100 Personal Development Blogs appeared first on The Start of Happiness.

Top 100 Personal Development Blogs


Best Self-Help Websites

The official Top 100 Personal Development Blogs is back!

Damn, I love this time of year. It’s all about setting your year up for massive success and what better way of doing that then presenting you with the best personal development blogs for the year. In fact, we bring you the Top 100!

This is the fifth year that we have compiled the Top 100 personal development blogs and every year we see more and more blogs adding great value to people all around the world.

I must say, because of all the awesome value that everyone is putting out there on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for personal development bloggers to make this list. So if you have made the list of the Top 100 personal development blogs this year then I, and everyone else, give you HUGE congratulations!

Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to regain focus on what you truly want in life and ensure you have the strategies and support you need to be successful at it too. The turn of the New Year gives us a clear time to separate the past and move forward into the future.

That’s why I love this time of year. It’s the perfect time for creating new habits, setting your goals and making real change in your life.

Being a student of the personal development industry most of my life, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest resources to not only implement into my own life but to also share with those around me. Since I’ve been running my own business I’ve fallen more and more into the well of personal development and self-improvement and I absolutely love it! With the internet now a common place for everyone and the ‘free economy’ being born, it’s amazing to know that what was once hidden from the majority of people and limited to a select few people paying $5,000 to access information at a weekend seminar, this information is now mostly widely available for free on the internet or at least at a much more affordable price.

The key to all this information is being able to pull what’s relevant for you and being able to apply that information in a systematic and successful way that will lead you towards your desired life.

The Best Personal Development Blogs

I feel honoured to know that over the last few years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the blog owners in this list and share some great experiences with them. But not only that, there are so many of you making an impact in this world through your personal development blogs I can certainly say that after sifting through each and every self-improvement blog, I’m highly impressed with everyone’s work!

It is somewhat tricky putting together a list of the Top 100 personal development blogs as it can be rather subjective in nature. To avoid this, I’ve removed any of my own opinions or judgements and let pure metrics do the talking.

As with previous years, what I have created is a list of personal development blogs that rank from the most trafficked (largest number of visitors) down to the least trafficked. This list will provide you with a clear indication of how large a website is and its relative importance in the personal development blogosphere. Keep in mind, even though the blogs towards the bottom are the ‘least trafficked’, they are still within the Top 100 out of hundreds and thousands of personal development blogs out there on the internet (if not more!).

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that a larger site (a site ranked towards the top) does not necessarily indicate that the site is of better quality. Generally speaking, you will find that the larger sites have been around for longer and have more blog posts and content being crawled by Google. Because of this, they are sure to have larger audiences. In saying that, however, the top sites have lasted the test of time and continue to have strong readership so they must be doing something right!

Also, we do have a number of new blogs now ranking in the Top 100 that only started a year or two ago… massive congrats to these high achievers!

One thing to add, it always makes me smile when I see other people creating Top Personal Development Blog lists… because they’re almost an exact copy of this list! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? This is the fifth year our official list has been compiled and we continue to make it more comprehensive each year.

[sociallocker id=”5127″] [/sociallocker]

How to Use This List

This is YOUR LIST.

This is a resource that I encourage you to save and come back to on a regular basis. As we progress throughout the year we all face different challenges and often those challenges have already been faced by others elsewhere in the world. That’s when I suggest you return to this list and find the right blog to guide you.

Each personal development blog is unique and has its own style and purpose. You will also find that you will resonate strongly with some blog owners and their content and perhaps less so with others. For this reason, there is a wide variety of blogs on the list; including business, career and work, happiness, health, productivity and more. The one thing in common is that they all are themed around self-improvement.

My recommendation to you is to browse through each of the blogs below at least once and then pick out the two or three blogs that really resonate with you.

Think about the below questions as you sift through each blog:

  • Which blogs are most closely aligned to what you want to achieve in life?
  • Which author has accomplished something that you would like to accomplish?
  • Which blogs can help you right now in life and which ones might help you in the future?

Be sure to subscribe to their content and make personal development a key focus for you this year. It’s like having a free mentor or coach.

How The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are Ranked

The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are ranked in order from the most-trafficked (largest number of visitors) to the least-trafficked (although the smallest in this case is still a Top 100 Blog!)

There are two primary tools that have been used for determining this ranking.

Firstly, I have used the Alexa rank of the website as the primary ranking method. Alexa provides a relative ranking of each website based on the number of visitors it receives. A rank of 100,000 would mean that the site is the 100,000th most visited site on the internet. With the millions and millions of websites on the internet, such a ranking is classified as pretty good! Just so you know, Google’s rank is #1, Facebook is ranked #2 and YouTube is ranked #3.

Secondly, I have included Similar Web Rank. Similar Web is another online tool that was mentioned to me on a number of occasions as a more accurate tool for determining website traffic. Interestingly, I found that when compiling this list, the Alexa and Similar Web rankings were almost perfectly correlated.

This then led to the Average Rank. The Average Ranks is simply the average between the Alexa and Similar Web ranks.

People often question the validity of such tools, however, when comparing more generally the relative size of a website they are quite accurate and very useful indicators. Other tools might indicate that a lower-ranked blog in our Top 100 is infact larger than a higher-ranked blog, but generally speaking, the Top 10 websites will always be larger than those ranked 10-20, and those ranked 10-20 will always be larger than those ranked 20-30 etc. To sum it up, the larger and more trafficked sites will always tend to be ranked higher regardless of the tool being used.

Do you want to get really funky with the Top 100 blogs? I’m pleased to let you know that the Top 100 table is dynamic. This means that you can search for your favourite blog to see where it is ranked and sort by any column, such as page rank or alphabetical order. This is your list. Have fun with it!

The Winners

CONGRATULATIONS to every blogger that has made this Top 100 list! I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world.

[sociallocker id=”5127″] [/sociallocker]

 URLOwner’s NameAverage Rank
1Life HackLeon Ho2,711
2Elite DailyGerard Adams5,537
3GreatistDerek Flanzraich7,533
4The Art of ManlinessBrett McKay8,411
5Mind Body GreenJason Wachob9,139
6Brain PickingsMaria Popova13,634
7Tiny BuddhaLori Deschene19,733
8Four Hour Work WeekTim Ferriss20,349
9Darren DailyDarren Hardy26,838
10Mark MansonMark Manson32,634
11ZenHabitsLeo Babauta32,716
12Nerd FitnessSteve Kamb33,222
13I Will Teach You to be RichRamit Sethi35,668
14Good Men ProjectLisa Hickey38,679
15James ClearJames Clear38,891
16Chris KresserChris Kresser44,785
17Brian TracyBrian Tracy46,741
18The Positivity BlogHenrik Edberg46,999
19Michael Hyatt’s Intentional LeadershipMichael Hyatt51,190
20Keep Inspiring MeDarcie Connell54,724
21Marc and Angel Hack LifeMarc and Angel57,256
22Addicted 2 SuccessJoel Brown62,653
23Barking Up the Wrong TreeEric Barker63,529
24Pick the BrainErin Falconer63,562
25PsyBlogJeremy Dean63,651
26Becoming MinimalistJoshua Becker66,388
27Personal ExcellenceCelestine Chua71,088
28Live Bold and BloomBarrie Davenport75,411
29Steve PavlinaSteve Pavlina76,832
30Dumb Little ManJay White81,129
31Marie ForleoMarie Forleo81,511
32Science of PeopleVanessa Van Edwards86,010
33Derek SiversDerek Sivers94,278
34Scott H YoungScott Young98,734
35Robin SharmaRobin Sharma105,027
36Bold & DeterminedVictor Pride109,823
37Steven AitchisonSteven Aitchison113,562
38ActualizedLeo Gura118,510
39No Meat AtheleteMatt Frazier120,725
40Project Life MasteryStefan Pylarinos123,111
41Daring to Live FullyMarelisa Fábrega127,960
42Success ConcioscunessRemez Sasson129,706
43Asian EfficiencyAaron Lynn and Thanh Pam144,968
44The Charged LifeBrendon Burchard148,010
45The Happiness ProjectGretchen Rubin149,010
46Planet of SuccessSteve Mueller149,186
47Penelope TrunkPenelope Trunk154,381
48Robb WolfRobb Wolf161,217
49Be More With LessCourtney Carver161,838
50Write to DoneMary Jaksch164,678
51Jack CranfieldJack Cranfield174,067
52Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday175,494
53Motivation GridCris Nikolov179,217
54Skip PrichardSkip Prichard182,262
55Everday PowerNA182,510
56Live Your LegendChelsea Dinsmore186,276
57Develop Good HabitsSJ Scott188,505
58Purpose FairyLuminita D. Saviuc193,698
59Brain BloggerShaheen Lakhan219,615
60Location RebelSean Ogle222,510
61The Change BlogPeter Clemens223,890
62A Life of ProductivityChris Bailey229,010
63Life OptimizerDonald Latumahina241,956
64chrisguillebeau.comChris Guillebeau246,361
65Prolific LivingFarnoosh Brock264,661
66Louise HayLouise Hay267,510
67RaptitudeDavid Cain270,452
68InspiyrDan Cassidy288,581
69ProductivityistMike Vardy292,566
70Time Management NinjaCraig Jarrow294,576
71Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra302,890
72FinerMindsAndrea Vega304,550
73Wake Up CloudHenri Junttila306,517
74The Urban MonkPedram Shojai 311,049
75Impossible HQJoel Runyon324,598
76Bullet Proof ExecDave Asprey333,105
77Start of HappinessBrendan Baker337,916
78Advanced Life SkillsJonathan Wells341,905
79Good Life ZenMary Jaksch344,124
80Paid to ExistJonathan Mead355,338
81Life Long LearnerScott Britton358,581
83Aha-Now!Harleena Singh360,949
84Dr Wayne DyerDr Wayne Dyer375,193
85Think Simple NowTina Su376,587
86The Emotion MachineSteven Handel396,302
87Productivity 501Mark Shead400,515
88Just Be RealTheo Ellis455,859
89Jonathan FieldsJonathan Fields456,994
90Yoga DorkJennilyn Carson489,965
91Sid SavaraSid Savara499,024
92Alden TanAlden Tan518,551
93Run to the FinishAmanda Brooks522,118
94Your Life Your WayTia Sparkles534,462
95Basic GrowthSimon Somlai544,038
96Start Gaining MomentumLudvig Sunstrom581,294
97Positive WriterBryan Hutchinson604,348
98The Bridge MakerAlex Blackwell628,018
99Thoughts on Life and LoveMandy Kloppers632,524
100Deliberate ReceivingMelody Fletcher703,681

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Now What?

The tools, strategies and support you need to live your best year ever are all here waiting for you. Now, it’s in your power to start living out your most inspired and desired life.

Only you can make the difference in your life this year. I give you full permission to make this your best year ever and apply what you need to from these blogs into your life.

If you need some instant motivation and inspiration, then make sure you check out the Top 100 Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for 2017.

If you want to get some actionable tools that you can implement into your life right now, make sure you access our Free Toolkit.

If you’re keen to make the Top 100 for next year, you might be interested in registering for my course: First 1000 Subscribers (currently open for enrollment but closing shortly).

Over to You!

Do you have a favourite blog on the list?

Which blogs do you find you get the most value from?

What other personal development resources do you use to live a better life?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Here’s to making this year your best year yet!


P.S. Do you know of someone that would love to see this list? Please share this list using one of the buttons below. You’ll most likely make their day!

Related Posts

The post Top 100 Personal Development Blogs appeared first on The Start of Happiness.

Top 100 Personal Development Blogs


Best Self-Help Websites

The official Top 100 Personal Development Blogs is back!

Damn, I love this time of year. It’s all about setting your year up for massive success and what better way of doing that then presenting you with the best personal development blogs for the year. In fact, we bring you the Top 100!

This is the fifth year that we have compiled the Top 100 personal development blogs and every year we see more and more blogs adding great value to people all around the world.

I must say, because of all the awesome value that everyone is putting out there on the internet, it is getting harder and harder for personal development bloggers to make this list. So if you have made the list of the Top 100 personal development blogs this year then I, and everyone else, give you HUGE congratulations!

Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to regain focus on what you truly want in life and ensure you have the strategies and support you need to be successful at it too. The turn of the New Year gives us a clear time to separate the past and move forward into the future.

That’s why I love this time of year. It’s the perfect time for creating new habits, setting your goals and making real change in your life.

Being a student of the personal development industry most of my life, I’m always on the lookout for the latest and greatest resources to not only implement into my own life but to also share with those around me. Since I’ve been running my own business I’ve fallen more and more into the well of personal development and self-improvement and I absolutely love it! With the internet now a common place for everyone and the ‘free economy’ being born, it’s amazing to know that what was once hidden from the majority of people and limited to a select few people paying $5,000 to access information at a weekend seminar, this information is now mostly widely available for free on the internet or at least at a much more affordable price.

The key to all this information is being able to pull what’s relevant for you and being able to apply that information in a systematic and successful way that will lead you towards your desired life.

The Best Personal Development Blogs

I feel honoured to know that over the last few years I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know a lot of the blog owners in this list and share some great experiences with them. But not only that, there are so many of you making an impact in this world through your personal development blogs I can certainly say that after sifting through each and every self-improvement blog, I’m highly impressed with everyone’s work!

It is somewhat tricky putting together a list of the Top 100 personal development blogs as it can be rather subjective in nature. To avoid this, I’ve removed any of my own opinions or judgements and let pure metrics do the talking.

As with previous years, what I have created is a list of personal development blogs that rank from the most trafficked (largest number of visitors) down to the least trafficked. This list will provide you with a clear indication of how large a website is and its relative importance in the personal development blogosphere. Keep in mind, even though the blogs towards the bottom are the ‘least trafficked’, they are still within the Top 100 out of hundreds and thousands of personal development blogs out there on the internet (if not more!).

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that a larger site (a site ranked towards the top) does not necessarily indicate that the site is of better quality. Generally speaking, you will find that the larger sites have been around for longer and have more blog posts and content being crawled by Google. Because of this, they are sure to have larger audiences. In saying that, however, the top sites have lasted the test of time and continue to have strong readership so they must be doing something right!

Also, we do have a number of new blogs now ranking in the Top 100 that only started a year or two ago… massive congrats to these high achievers!

One thing to add, it always makes me smile when I see other people creating Top Personal Development Blog lists… because they’re almost an exact copy of this list! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? This is the fifth year our official list has been compiled and we continue to make it more comprehensive each year.

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How to Use This List

This is YOUR LIST.

This is a resource that I encourage you to save and come back to on a regular basis. As we progress throughout the year we all face different challenges and often those challenges have already been faced by others elsewhere in the world. That’s when I suggest you return to this list and find the right blog to guide you.

Each personal development blog is unique and has its own style and purpose. You will also find that you will resonate strongly with some blog owners and their content and perhaps less so with others. For this reason, there is a wide variety of blogs on the list; including business, career and work, happiness, health, productivity and more. The one thing in common is that they all are themed around self-improvement.

My recommendation to you is to browse through each of the blogs below at least once and then pick out the two or three blogs that really resonate with you.

Think about the below questions as you sift through each blog:

  • Which blogs are most closely aligned to what you want to achieve in life?
  • Which author has accomplished something that you would like to accomplish?
  • Which blogs can help you right now in life and which ones might help you in the future?

Be sure to subscribe to their content and make personal development a key focus for you this year. It’s like having a free mentor or coach.

How The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are Ranked

The Top 100 Personal Development Blogs are ranked in order from the most-trafficked (largest number of visitors) to the least-trafficked (although the smallest in this case is still a Top 100 Blog!)

There are two primary tools that have been used for determining this ranking.

Firstly, I have used the Alexa rank of the website as the primary ranking method. Alexa provides a relative ranking of each website based on the number of visitors it receives. A rank of 100,000 would mean that the site is the 100,000th most visited site on the internet. With the millions and millions of websites on the internet, such a ranking is classified as pretty good! Just so you know, Google’s rank is #1, Facebook is ranked #2 and YouTube is ranked #3.

Secondly, I have included Similar Web Rank. Similar Web is another online tool that was mentioned to me on a number of occasions as a more accurate tool for determining website traffic. Interestingly, I found that when compiling this list, the Alexa and Similar Web rankings were almost perfectly correlated.

This then led to the Average Rank. The Average Ranks is simply the average between the Alexa and Similar Web ranks.

People often question the validity of such tools, however, when comparing more generally the relative size of a website they are quite accurate and very useful indicators. Other tools might indicate that a lower-ranked blog in our Top 100 is infact larger than a higher-ranked blog, but generally speaking, the Top 10 websites will always be larger than those ranked 10-20, and those ranked 10-20 will always be larger than those ranked 20-30 etc. To sum it up, the larger and more trafficked sites will always tend to be ranked higher regardless of the tool being used.

Do you want to get really funky with the Top 100 blogs? I’m pleased to let you know that the Top 100 table is dynamic. This means that you can search for your favourite blog to see where it is ranked and sort by any column, such as page rank or alphabetical order. This is your list. Have fun with it!

The Winners

CONGRATULATIONS to every blogger that has made this Top 100 list! I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world.

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 URLOwner’s NameAverage Rank
1Life HackLeon Ho2,711
2Elite DailyGerard Adams5,537
3GreatistDerek Flanzraich7,533
4The Art of ManlinessBrett McKay8,411
5Mind Body GreenJason Wachob9,139
6Brain PickingsMaria Popova13,634
7Tiny BuddhaLori Deschene19,733
8Four Hour Work WeekTim Ferriss20,349
9Darren DailyDarren Hardy26,838
10Mark MansonMark Manson32,634
11ZenHabitsLeo Babauta32,716
12Nerd FitnessSteve Kamb33,222
13I Will Teach You to be RichRamit Sethi35,668
14Good Men ProjectLisa Hickey38,679
15James ClearJames Clear38,891
16Chris KresserChris Kresser44,785
17Brian TracyBrian Tracy46,741
18The Positivity BlogHenrik Edberg46,999
19Michael Hyatt’s Intentional LeadershipMichael Hyatt51,190
20Keep Inspiring MeDarcie Connell54,724
21Marc and Angel Hack LifeMarc and Angel57,256
22Addicted 2 SuccessJoel Brown62,653
23Barking Up the Wrong TreeEric Barker63,529
24Pick the BrainErin Falconer63,562
25PsyBlogJeremy Dean63,651
26Becoming MinimalistJoshua Becker66,388
27Personal ExcellenceCelestine Chua71,088
28Live Bold and BloomBarrie Davenport75,411
29Steve PavlinaSteve Pavlina76,832
30Dumb Little ManJay White81,129
31Marie ForleoMarie Forleo81,511
32Science of PeopleVanessa Van Edwards86,010
33Derek SiversDerek Sivers94,278
34Scott H YoungScott Young98,734
35Robin SharmaRobin Sharma105,027
36Bold & DeterminedVictor Pride109,823
37Steven AitchisonSteven Aitchison113,562
38ActualizedLeo Gura118,510
39No Meat AtheleteMatt Frazier120,725
40Project Life MasteryStefan Pylarinos123,111
41Daring to Live FullyMarelisa Fábrega127,960
42Success ConcioscunessRemez Sasson129,706
43Asian EfficiencyAaron Lynn and Thanh Pam144,968
44The Charged LifeBrendon Burchard148,010
45The Happiness ProjectGretchen Rubin149,010
46Planet of SuccessSteve Mueller149,186
47Penelope TrunkPenelope Trunk154,381
48Robb WolfRobb Wolf161,217
49Be More With LessCourtney Carver161,838
50Write to DoneMary Jaksch164,678
51Jack CranfieldJack Cranfield174,067
52Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday175,494
53Motivation GridCris Nikolov179,217
54Skip PrichardSkip Prichard182,262
55Everday PowerNA182,510
56Live Your LegendChelsea Dinsmore186,276
57Develop Good HabitsSJ Scott188,505
58Purpose FairyLuminita D. Saviuc193,698
59Brain BloggerShaheen Lakhan219,615
60Location RebelSean Ogle222,510
61The Change BlogPeter Clemens223,890
62A Life of ProductivityChris Bailey229,010
63Life OptimizerDonald Latumahina241,956
64chrisguillebeau.comChris Guillebeau246,361
65Prolific LivingFarnoosh Brock264,661
66Louise HayLouise Hay267,510
67RaptitudeDavid Cain270,452
68InspiyrDan Cassidy288,581
69ProductivityistMike Vardy292,566
70Time Management NinjaCraig Jarrow294,576
71Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra302,890
72FinerMindsAndrea Vega304,550
73Wake Up CloudHenri Junttila306,517
74The Urban MonkPedram Shojai 311,049
75Impossible HQJoel Runyon324,598
76Bullet Proof ExecDave Asprey333,105
77Start of HappinessBrendan Baker337,916
78Advanced Life SkillsJonathan Wells341,905
79Good Life ZenMary Jaksch344,124
80Paid to ExistJonathan Mead355,338
81Life Long LearnerScott Britton358,581
83Aha-Now!Harleena Singh360,949
84Dr Wayne DyerDr Wayne Dyer375,193
85Think Simple NowTina Su376,587
86The Emotion MachineSteven Handel396,302
87Productivity 501Mark Shead400,515
88Just Be RealTheo Ellis455,859
89Jonathan FieldsJonathan Fields456,994
90Yoga DorkJennilyn Carson489,965
91Sid SavaraSid Savara499,024
92Alden TanAlden Tan518,551
93Run to the FinishAmanda Brooks522,118
94Your Life Your WayTia Sparkles534,462
95Basic GrowthSimon Somlai544,038
96Start Gaining MomentumLudvig Sunstrom581,294
97Positive WriterBryan Hutchinson604,348
98The Bridge MakerAlex Blackwell628,018
99Thoughts on Life and LoveMandy Kloppers632,524
100Deliberate ReceivingMelody Fletcher703,681

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Now What?

The tools, strategies and support you need to live your best year ever are all here waiting for you. Now, it’s in your power to start living out your most inspired and desired life.

Only you can make the difference in your life this year. I give you full permission to make this your best year ever and apply what you need to from these blogs into your life.

If you need some instant motivation and inspiration, then make sure you check out the Top 100 Motivational & Inspirational Quotes for 2017.

If you want to get some actionable tools that you can implement into your life right now, make sure you access our Free Toolkit.

If you’re keen to make the Top 100 for next year, you might be interested in registering for my course: First 1000 Subscribers (currently open for enrollment but closing shortly).

Over to You!

Do you have a favourite blog on the list?

Which blogs do you find you get the most value from?

What other personal development resources do you use to live a better life?

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Here’s to making this year your best year yet!


P.S. Do you know of someone that would love to see this list? Please share this list using one of the buttons below. You’ll most likely make their day!

Related Posts

The post Top 100 Personal Development Blogs appeared first on The Start of Happiness.

What the 5 Signs of Having Mindset Blocks are


What happens if you don’t even know you have mindset blocks?

What are the signs?

To begin with, why is even important to identify whether you have mindset blocks or not?

Well, for a start,  mindset blocks can keep you stuck or struggling more than you need to. It obstructs your success. A mindset block arises when you have the story of “I want to achieve this goal or dream but (the reason)”. You may even have more than one “but” on why you can’t achieve what you want.

Invariably, the reason behind the “but” stems from a limiting belief. Your “but this” or “but that” are actually excuses. Excuses are a form of self-sabotage. 

Conversely, if there is nothing in the way, you would be getting a lot more success. There are no “buts” to achieving what you want. You are clear, focused and decisive. 

Time is a precious resource and you want to achieve success sooner than later. And if you are someone in business, having mindset challenges can impact your ability to generate income easily.

Clearly, it doesn’t help to be in denial or to avoid the topic of mindset block altogether.

If you want to improve cash flow,
if you want to generate better success,
if you want to shift to the next level,

learn to recognise the signs.

5 signs that you could be having a mindset block

Listen in to this video about what the signs of having mindset blocks are. Or read on…..

  1. You are stuck.

You keep going round and round in circles. Feeling stuck. Distracted with what other coaches or what other people are doing. It is possible that you’ve already attended courses and training classes for your business, but you are still not able to put out your offers.

You have plenty of reasons why you can’t get going. Not able to start a business. Not able to launch. Not able to do what’s needed. So this is not a problem of strategy or know-how but a pure mindset issue.

  1. Not enough Cash Flow.

Cash flow is an important indicator that you cannot ignore.

You may have been on this business for some months or years, but are you generating enough cash flow to cover minimally your expenses?

If you are not generating enough, it can be either a mindset issue or strategy issue or both. Chances are, it is a combination.

  1. You don’t like being visible.

The thought of being visible may make you feel ill, exposed, or naked. You have this fear about the loss in privacy where you simply do not like the idea of people checking up on you online.  Or you may fear that you’d be criticised or attacked for the messages that you share.

As you are offering a service, it helps for your audience to know who you are. You do it best by showing up on video. Hence, it is imperative that you work through your discomfort. Release your mindset issues around visibility with EFT tapping. 

Your business depends on you showing up. Showing up on video also takes practice. Practice in front of the mirror. Work on your script or what you want to say. Once you’ve released your emotional and mindset blocks, you’d be more ready to practice and to post your videos.

  1. You can’t ask for the money

You find it difficult to ask for the money and you have tremendous anxiety on talking about your prices. When it comes to doing discovery or sales calls, you may feel guilty, shameful, embarrassed, not good enough, and so on. All these disruptions are indications that you are having mindset problems.

You need to work through this. If you don’t ask for the money or you have tremendous fears around this, you won’t be able to generate the income that you want.

  1. You are Unable to Shift to the Next Level

You have gotten your initial success and at first,, you were feeling elated. But somehow, after the first breakthrough, you’ve been stuck. And you can’t seem to shatter the next ceiling that has come up.

It could be that you are stuck at a certain income range. Or that you are getting into overwhelm. Or that you have fears around setting higher expectations. Not being able to shift to your next level could potentially be a mindset issue.

Release Mindset Blocks That Are in the Way of Your Success 

Addressing mindset blocks is non-negotiable if you want to be successful. What’s great is that when you transform from the inside, there is a ripple effect that potentially affect all areas of your life. You grow in confidence, self-esteem and wellness. This has a positive impact on your business.

So, begin by staying alert to whether or not you are having signs of mindset blocks. Set yourself up for true success with awareness and action! 

Reach out to me if you’d like to work on releasing mindset blocks. I specialise in helping women entrepreneurs clear their limiting beliefs at the subconscious and at root cause, so that they can live and create the life of abundance that they desire. Apply for a discovery call here >>>

To your success!

Love and abundance always,
Evelyn Lim

P.S. Share Your Thoughts in the Comment Box below. 

The post What the 5 Signs of Having Mindset Blocks are appeared first on Abundance Coach for Women in Business | Evelyn Lim.

5 Pieces of Advice to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon and Clinic


By Debbie  The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that 25 min procedures are carried annually. It means that about 70,000 people improve their appearance every day! All of them want to receive a good result and impress everyone with a new look. However, not everyone will boast of the perfect outcome — the…

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The post 5 Pieces of Advice to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon and Clinic first appeared on Self Help Daily.