How To Start A Home Based Business Which Succeeds


The post How To Start A Home Based Business Which Succeeds appeared first on NotSalmon.

Nowadays, 69% of all entrepreneurs begin their journey in the business world by creating their first company at home. Home-based businesses are not only a growing trend – they are also the way forward for millions of enthusiastic and talented […]

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Use Questions to Change Your Mindset – Part 2


As human beings we all have certain built in limitations. For example, we can only effectively focus on a very limited number of things at any given time. I see this as a great advantage because it means that when we focus on empowering thoughts it becomes literally impossible to focus on limiting thoughts at the same time.

Can you be truly happy and extremely sad at the same time? Can you feel intense love and intense anger simultaneously? See what I mean?

We cannot intensely focus our attention in two opposing directions simultaneously. This means that when we focus on something positive, really focus on it, our mindset will automatically block out negative thoughts. That’s the nature of focus.

Questions can direct our mindset, focus, and feelings

Because questions have the ability to change our focus, we can use them to change our feelings and our mindset at the same time. When you ask yourself, “What do I feel really great about right now?” notice what happens next. Once your current mindset becomes occupied with answering that question there is no room for entertaining opposing thoughts. Your mind simply cannot search for reasons to feel great and reasons to feel lousy at the same time.

Some people are convinced that they can entertain opposing thoughts simultaneously, but trying to do that requires a huge mental and emotional compromise. To accomplish this kind of split focus we would have to apply a very limited degree of attention in two different directions. That’s not focus! Some synonyms for the verb focus are to concentrate, fixate and pinpoint our attention. Once we understand what focus is, we realize that it does not allow for divided attention.

Focus is not a one dimensional experience

Being truly focused involves more than just our mental acuity. It involves our emotions as well. This is especially true because the questions we are going to be asking ourselves are anchored in positive feelings and experiences. When we ask the right questions we are commanding our mind to give us answers that will support a positive mindset and move us toward affirmative action.

Emotions are the power plant of human motivation. We can use our minds to ask the questions that will harness that power, and focus it in the direction we want to go.

The right questions to help us accomplish this

When problems arise in life, as they will, what questions do we ask ourselves to create a positive mindset and motivate us toward possibility and solution? Here are a few examples…

1. How does this problem or challenge create a new opportunity? At first you may not see opportunity, so keep asking. This question is powerful because it is structured around the assumption that the problem has created an opportunity, now you just need to discover that opportunity. Your mind will recognize that assumption as fact and before long it will present you with a list of possible opportunities.

2. What action must I take to transform this situation? Notice the assumption built in to this question. There is a course of action that will transform this situation in a positive way. Now, all you need to do is to figure out what that action is and your mind will be eager to assist you. This puts you in a very positive and optimistic mindset which also makes you more resourceful.

3. What aspect of this challenge is exciting? Again the assumption, there is something here to get excited about. We just asked our mind to figure out what that is, and it will. Because of these three questions your mindset is now anchored in opportunity, transformation, and excitement.

What all of these questions have in common?

They all have a built-in assumption that moves our focus into a ore positive mindset. They all create a frame of mind that is empowering. And because we can focus in only one direction at a time, all of these questions prevent us from exploring the negative aspects of our situation, both mentally and emotionally.

Applying these three questions in challenging situations will require a conscious effort at first. It takes time to develop a pattern of asking empowering questions, especially when our resources are being stretched by ongoing problems. With practice however, we can condition ourselves to move into a more positive mindset and to respond resourcefully by asking the right questions.

In part three of “Use Questions to Change Your Mindset” we will explore additional exercises that we can do every day to further encourage the use of empowering questions.

Can you see how potentially empowering this skill is?
Are you already using questions to direct your focus?
Did asking those questions shift your mindset?
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This is part 2 in a series of 3 articles about Using Questions to Change Your Mindset.
For the rest of the story visit…
Use questions to Change your Mindset – Part 1
Use questions to Change your Mindset – Part 3

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The post Use Questions to Change Your Mindset – Part 2 appeared first on Advanced Life Skills.

6 Ways to Protect Yourself against Indoctrination


In the 18th century, the great thinkers of the Age of Enlightenment envisioned a world in which people are guided by reason, science and the pursuit of truth.

Although, since then, we’ve made significant progress in that direction, even today, many people fall prey to naive views and superstitions, as a result of indoctrination.

Indoctrination – the process of teaching others to accept a set of belief uncritically – is still prevalent today. It can come from families, communities, governments, churches or the old and new media. It is often done in a sturdy, sneaky and strategic manner, and it has a big impact.

So no matter your age or your country, it’s important to be well equipped to protect yourself against indoctrination. For this reason, based on my communication coaching experience and my psychology knowledge, I wanna share with you several effective ways to fight off any and all attempts of indoctrination.

1. Ask For Evidence

People around you will make all sorts of claims, and just expect you to accept them as true, simply because they made them. Unfortunately, many of us are conditioned from a young age to do just that: accept whatever others claim, as if they always know better than us.

You wanna reverse this tendency. And the way to do this is by getting used to regularly questioning the accuracy of people’s claims, and, when you have reasons to doubt it, asking them for evidence that supports them. If they fail to provide good evidence (which they will often do), then you have no good reason to believe their claims.

2. Reject Faith-Based Beliefs

When pressed for evidence for their claims, many folks will often invoke faith. They’ll say you just have to have faith that what they state is true, implying that faith is a virtue.

But faith is not a virtue, and I see no good reason to see it as one. Essentially, as philosophy and critical thinking professor Peter Boghossian puts it, faith means pretending to know things you don’t know.

Indeed, faith is not a true, reliable way to obtain accurate knowledge about the world, only to imagine you have that knowledge. So whenever somebody asks you to believe something based of faith, I suggest you refuse to do so and keep asking for evidence.

3. Study the Opposing View

Sometimes, people will provide some proof for their claims. Many times though, the proof will only seem convincing until you read or hear the evidence of the opposing side as well.

This is why, when deciding on an issue, it’s crucial to study both sides of the argument, drawing your information from knowledgeable and credible sources, before making up your mind.

For example: I recently learned about a supposed method to predict market trends and make good financial investments, based on something called Kondratiev waves.

The method seemed solid initially, until I looked up what the skeptics have to say about it. I found their counterarguments to be even more solid, and thus my trust in K-waves predictions never truly developed. Rightfully, I’d say.

4. Be Wary of Persuasion by Repetition

Indoctrination often relies on the persistent repetition, over and over again, of the same unproven claims.

Unfortunately, this approach does seem to work fairly well. There are quite a few psychological studies that show the simple repetition of a message, without the addition of new arguments to it, does make it feel more believable over time. Call it a glitch in how we humans process information.

To protect yourself from this glitch, you need to pay attention to messages you hear or read over and over again, and remind yourself that mere repetition does not change an idea’s truth value. Keep yourself vigilant to and cautions of attempts at persuasion by repetition.

5. Be Wary of Appeals to Popularity

Another common indoctrination tactic is the appeal to popularity (aka appeal to majority). This is when somebody tries to make an idea seem true by invoking the large number of people who believe it. Involuntarily, we are frequently tempted to give an idea credence just because it’s commonly believed, or to cave in to social pressure and adopt the beliefs of the majority.

Again, awareness of this tendency is the best way to resist it. Bear in mind that the mass appeal of an idea is not in any way a good indicator of the accuracy of that idea. So many times, the majority has bought into really dumb ideas.

Also, work on improving your social confidence, to be better able to resist any form of social pressure. Check out this instructional video I created to learn how to develop your social confidence effectively, using my proven cognitive-behavioral strategy.

6. Practice Sound Reasoning

Ultimately, the best tool for protecting yourself against indoctrination is your ability to practice sound reasoning and critical thinking. It allows you to exorcise any bad ideas you’ve held so far, and it creates a thick barrier against other bad ideas coming in.

You develop your ability for sound reasoning by studying logic, learning about the scientific method, understanding the principles of proper reasoning, and putting this into practice in your day to day life, as you get exposed to a variety of ideas and you reflect on them.

In today’s fast paced world, in which we get exposed to heaps of information every single day, it’s not easy to take the time to research incoming data properly, to analyze it critically and to reject it if proven false or unsubstantiated.

But this is the only way to defend yourself against indoctrination and stay in charge of your own beliefs. By staying in charge of your own beliefs, you stay in charge of your own decisions. And by staying in charge of your own decisions, you stay in charge of your own life.

For more help on developing rational thinking skills and improving your impact in communication please join me on my free social success newsletter.

Too Many Voices


Written by Alden Tan

There’re too many voices today.

The comments on social media.

The angry yells from a protest.

The cries of the hurt.

The many texts you get.

The lies you were told.

The fingers pointing at you.

And so on.

But none can’t beat one.


Just listen.

Just listen.

Just listen.

Sometimes it’s soft. I know.

But still.

Just listen.

Just listen.

Just listen.

It’s the only real one.

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How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind


How would you like to grow rich with peace of mind?

You can’t exactly claim to be having inner peace if you are constantly tossing in bed at night and fretting over financial matters. A mind that is fraught with worry is hardly still.

Or, it may be that you are already making good money but have not acquired it in a meaningful way and with a clear conscience. While your concerns may differ from someone who is poor and struggling, you are nonetheless unhappy and not living life in fulfilment and freedom.

Well, for anyone who is having money stress, I suggest finding a better way forward.

In either situation, you are being a slave to money. You are held captive. The consequence is a negative impact on the quality of your life. As Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich, advocates, never allow money to master you. If you are in emotionally disrupted even whilst you are working towards wealth creation, you are not at peace.

If you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s famous Think and Grow Rich, I suggest checking out the book Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind too! Napoleon Hill wrote Grow Rich! With a Peace of Mind when he was 84, years after he wrote Think and Grow Rich and at a time when he was much wiser. In Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, he reconciled important principles that would help anyone create success and balance at the same time.

Background to Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

Think and Grow Rich is well-loved by millions of people around the world. However, there were some who criticised Think and Grow Rich for encouraging materalistic cravings and promoting greed. Well, Napoleon Hill wrote Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind to address some of the concerns raised.

Indeed, I had found myself rather intrigued by a title that says Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. I had discovered an ebook version on my kindle while searching the library for what I could read next. My husband had purchased and shared a copy sometime ago. But it was only recently that I finally came across it.

In the book, Napoleon Hill drew on his personal experiences over the years. Having achieved much success in his early career, Napoleon had once believed that it was essential that he owned a big house and drove nothing less than a Rolls Royce. However, the extravagant spending prior to the Great Depression of 1929 led to Napoleon Hill losing his estate. From the lessons learnt thereafter, he distilled wisdom which he shared in Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind.

There are plenty of messages from the book that I had found useful to remind myself of.  Writing this article here is my way of keeping notes. And I’d like to share them with you.

What Is Peace of Mind

First of all, what does peace of mind mean?

Napoleon Hill describes peace of mind beyond being in a restful state. In fact, he says that it can be both restful and dynamic. It manifests itself in many ways in terms of freedom such as:
– freedom from negative force which may take possession of the mind,
– freedom from any feeling of want
– freedom from all fears
– habit of helping others to help themselves
– habit of going the extra mile in relationships
– habit of giving before trying to get

“Peace of mind helps you live your life on your own terms, in values of your own choosing, so that every day your life grows richer and greater.” Napoleon Hill

7 Powerful Lessons from Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

1. Know your own mind – live your own life.

Pursue your own dreams. Let how you are living your life influence others to realise their own powers and find their destiny. Set a time limit for specific accomplishment and build up spiritual defences within your mind, so that you can achieve what you want.

2. Keep a positive attitude that brings wealth and peace.

A positive mental attitude keeps your mind on your goal and shows you how to get there. You are governed by 9 basic motives, out of which 7 are connected strongly to peace of mind. Set up 10 Princes of Guidance to keep negative influences out of your mind.

3. Free yourself from fear, so that you can be free to live.

“Fear is like prayer in reverse; it appeals to negative forces which hurt us, instead of to positive forces which help and sustain us.” Napoleon Hill

4. Will you master money or – will it master you?

You lose peace of mind when you pursue money too anxiously. “Enough money” is a relative term. When you feel you will be satisfied enough for solid comfort and securities and some luxuries, you often attain more.

5. Share your riches.

Wealth that is shared creates more wealth. If you render help, you will be rewarded many fold.

6. Form a master mind group.

You get in tune with a mind that resonate with yours and double your mind power for a common goal. Find members who are like-minded. Napoleon Hill also suggested that entrepreneurs get together to invest in and nurture new business owners–a model for venture capital companies!

7. The Supreme Secret.

The Supreme Secret: Anything the mind can believe, it can achieve. Decide on the belief you want and embed it in your subconscious. Use the art of auto-suggestion which essentially is visualisation and positive affirmations to realise your dreams.

Secret Sacred Messages from Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

Unseen guidance in the Jungle of Life. In Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind, Napoleon Hill  shared that the “Master” spoke to him audibly, revealing secret knowledge. Apparently, the Master came from a school of wisdom which has persisted in the Himalayas for ten thousand years.

The Master shared that 26 enemies lie in wait in the Jungle of Life. These enemies are include fear, greed, intolerance, egotism, lust, anger, hatred, and so on. As long as one enemy remains, you are still  in the Jungle of Life. However, once you defeat the above 26 enemies, you acquire the ability to live a life of peace, abundance, success and enjoyment.

Ultimately, nothing matters. Napoleon Hill also shared about how an experience in “automatic writing” at the typewriter where communcation from an unseen world revealed the message: ultimately, nothing matters. The message is about keeping things in perspective, so that you can let go of the things you can’t control more easily.

Reading Recommendation: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

If you want to realise your highest potential, developing success consciousness is a must. Grow Rich! With Peace Of Mind offers some powerful lessons about mastering the self. Even though they were written years ago, they are still relevant today.

I certainly agree: A mind cluttered with emotional and mental “enemies” is not in its best optimal state to achieve true success and abundance. As pointed out in the book, the way to inner peace is through releasing the past, managing your emotions, using positive visualisation and so on…in fact, all the things that I practice and share with others too. Conversely, inner peace brings about stability, ease and confidence. You are in a better state to attract all that you desire and more.

I recommend having Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind in your book list.  Napoleon Hill relates interesting stories. Notwithstanding, I suggest placing attention to applying the lessons after reading the book. As we all know, reading and taking action is two different matters. For instance, it’s one thing to read about letting go and quite another, to actually release an attachment to the past.

The book is a wonderful companion for anyone’s wealth creation journey.  It serves as a guide for applying important principles to your specific situation. There are certainly steps and actions that you can take for achieving peace of mind. I’d be happy to help you along your journey, if you’ve got questions about making a shift. Apply here for a call. 

Love and Abundance Always, 
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Life Coach 

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The post How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind appeared first on Abundance Life Coach for Women | Evelyn Lim.

How to encourage yourself to stay motivated forever.


Try to encourage yourself by staying motivated. When life gives you lemons in this life, discouragement and the lack of motivation could hinder you from reaching your objective or goals. And it’s up to you, and you alone to plot the techniques or course that may facilitate you in keeping that drive going. Just as a strong determination is a very important consideration at achieving your success or goals, ….  Read More

Too Many Voices


Written by Alden Tan

There’re too many voices today.

The comments on social media.

The angry yells from a protest.

The cries of the hurt.

The many texts you get.

The lies you were told.

The fingers pointing at you.

And so on.

But none can’t beat one.


Just listen.

Just listen.

Just listen.

Sometimes it’s soft. I know.

But still.

Just listen.

Just listen.

Just listen.

It’s the only real one.

The post Too Many Voices appeared first on

How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind


How would you like to grow rich with peace of mind?

You can’t exactly claim to be having inner peace if you are constantly tossing in bed at night and fretting over financial matters. A mind that is fraught with worry is hardly still.

Or, it may be that you are already making good money but have not acquired it in a meaningful way and with a clear conscience. While your concerns may differ from someone who is poor and struggling, you are nonetheless unhappy and not living life in fulfilment and freedom.

Well, for anyone who is having money stress, I suggest finding a better way forward.

In either situation, you are being a slave to money. You are held captive. The consequence is a negative impact on the quality of your life. As Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich, advocates, never allow money to master you. If you are in emotionally disrupted even whilst you are working towards wealth creation, you are not at peace.

If you’ve read Napoleon Hill’s famous Think and Grow Rich, I suggest checking out the book Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind too! Napoleon Hill wrote Grow Rich! With a Peace of Mind when he was 84, years after he wrote Think and Grow Rich and at a time when he was much wiser. In Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, he reconciled important principles that would help anyone create success and balance at the same time.

Background to Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

Think and Grow Rich is well-loved by millions of people around the world. However, there were some who criticised Think and Grow Rich for encouraging materalistic cravings and promoting greed. Well, Napoleon Hill wrote Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind to address some of the concerns raised.

Indeed, I had found myself rather intrigued by a title that says Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. I had discovered an ebook version on my kindle while searching the library for what I could read next. My husband had purchased and shared a copy sometime ago. But it was only recently that I finally came across it.

In the book, Napoleon Hill drew on his personal experiences over the years. Having achieved much success in his early career, Napoleon had once believed that it was essential that he owned a big house and drove nothing less than a Rolls Royce. However, the extravagant spending prior to the Great Depression of 1929 led to Napoleon Hill losing his estate. From the lessons learnt thereafter, he distilled wisdom which he shared in Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind.

There are plenty of messages from the book that I had found useful to remind myself of.  Writing this article here is my way of keeping notes. And I’d like to share them with you.

What Is Peace of Mind

First of all, what does peace of mind mean?

Napoleon Hill describes peace of mind beyond being in a restful state. In fact, he says that it can be both restful and dynamic. It manifests itself in many ways in terms of freedom such as:
– freedom from negative force which may take possession of the mind,
– freedom from any feeling of want
– freedom from all fears
– habit of helping others to help themselves
– habit of going the extra mile in relationships
– habit of giving before trying to get

“Peace of mind helps you live your life on your own terms, in values of your own choosing, so that every day your life grows richer and greater.” Napoleon Hill

7 Powerful Lessons from Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

1. Know your own mind – live your own life.

Pursue your own dreams. Let how you are living your life influence others to realise their own powers and find their destiny. Set a time limit for specific accomplishment and build up spiritual defences within your mind, so that you can achieve what you want.

2. Keep a positive attitude that brings wealth and peace.

A positive mental attitude keeps your mind on your goal and shows you how to get there. You are governed by 9 basic motives, out of which 7 are connected strongly to peace of mind. Set up 10 Princes of Guidance to keep negative influences out of your mind.

3. Free yourself from fear, so that you can be free to live.

“Fear is like prayer in reverse; it appeals to negative forces which hurt us, instead of to positive forces which help and sustain us.” Napoleon Hill

4. Will you master money or – will it master you?

You lose peace of mind when you pursue money too anxiously. “Enough money” is a relative term. When you feel you will be satisfied enough for solid comfort and securities and some luxuries, you often attain more.

5. Share your riches.

Wealth that is shared creates more wealth. If you render help, you will be rewarded many fold.

6. Form a master mind group.

You get in tune with a mind that resonate with yours and double your mind power for a common goal. Find members who are like-minded. Napoleon Hill also suggested that entrepreneurs get together to invest in and nurture new business owners–a model for venture capital companies!

7. The Supreme Secret.

The Supreme Secret: Anything the mind can believe, it can achieve. Decide on the belief you want and embed it in your subconscious. Use the art of auto-suggestion which essentially is visualisation and positive affirmations to realise your dreams.

Secret Sacred Messages from Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

Unseen guidance in the Jungle of Life. In Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind, Napoleon Hill  shared that the “Master” spoke to him audibly, revealing secret knowledge. Apparently, the Master came from a school of wisdom which has persisted in the Himalayas for ten thousand years.

The Master shared that 26 enemies lie in wait in the Jungle of Life. These enemies are include fear, greed, intolerance, egotism, lust, anger, hatred, and so on. As long as one enemy remains, you are still  in the Jungle of Life. However, once you defeat the above 26 enemies, you acquire the ability to live a life of peace, abundance, success and enjoyment.

Ultimately, nothing matters. Napoleon Hill also shared about how an experience in “automatic writing” at the typewriter where communcation from an unseen world revealed the message: ultimately, nothing matters. The message is about keeping things in perspective, so that you can let go of the things you can’t control more easily.

Reading Recommendation: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind

If you want to realise your highest potential, developing success consciousness is a must. Grow Rich! With Peace Of Mind offers some powerful lessons about mastering the self. Even though they were written years ago, they are still relevant today.

I certainly agree: A mind cluttered with emotional and mental “enemies” is not in its best optimal state to achieve true success and abundance. As pointed out in the book, the way to inner peace is through releasing the past, managing your emotions, using positive visualisation and so on…in fact, all the things that I practice and share with others too. Conversely, inner peace brings about stability, ease and confidence. You are in a better state to attract all that you desire and more.

I recommend having Grow Rich! with Peace of Mind in your book list.  Napoleon Hill relates interesting stories. Notwithstanding, I suggest placing attention to applying the lessons after reading the book. As we all know, reading and taking action is two different matters. For instance, it’s one thing to read about letting go and quite another, to actually release an attachment to the past.

The book is a wonderful companion for anyone’s wealth creation journey.  It serves as a guide for applying important principles to your specific situation. There are certainly steps and actions that you can take for achieving peace of mind. I’d be happy to help you along your journey, if you’ve got questions about making a shift. Apply here for a call. 

Love and Abundance Always, 
Evelyn Lim
Abundance Life Coach 

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The post How to Grow Rich with Peace of Mind appeared first on Abundance Life Coach for Women | Evelyn Lim.